Last Saturday we traveled from Norway to Germany. We took the 4 hour ferry trip to Denmark, to take some notes for the final report of this Research RoadTrip.
Yesterday we spend the morning talking with Sture Portvik, the head of e-mobility at Oslo Administration! We had lots of questions and he had lots of answers!
This is all about Customers and Users! So, today, we went to Vulkan Parking to hear what people have to say... And we almost lost our vehicle!
Today, before leaving Stockholm, we spoke with Tomas Björnsson from Vattenfall, a Swedish company leader in electric power production and distribution.
Stockholm: A city that wants to be fossil fuel free in 2030, have plans to reach it and... Good ideas! Meet a Dealer that is optimistic towards a fully electric market future! Ricardo Oliveira @World Shopper founder #ElectricMission2019 #KiaMotorsEurope #GoElectric #EV #smartcity #emobility #electric #WorldShopper #WorldShopperConference A petrol car is not able to return fuel to the petrol station, compensating its owner. But an Electric Vehicle is.
You may already know that we are travelling in northern Europe, driving a KIA e-Niro and studying the future of car electrification. In each country we chose a theme related with its own market and we chat with experts and other interesting people.
Today we traveled from Hamburg to Copenhagen in a very busy Autobahn (A1). Besides, two traffic accidents produced big traffic jams.